Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why Proofread? ... Humble Pie Is not Tasty.

List of Corrections for Anonymous Writing Project

Page        Paragraph          Original              Correction
1                     1                   vision: we             vision. We
                       2                   Yet she                She
                                            books”                books,”
5                     2                   with on                with
8                top page             antimonies            antinomies
11                  n4                   Insituto                 Instituto
14                  1                     long fulfilled          long, fulfilled
                      2                       analyses                analyzes  (press requires American spelling . . . )
                                               as an moral         as a moral
15                 top                    thought, were        thought were
                                         “our, Hitler and after    “our Hitler and after
                      2                      lives, that                      lives that
                                           was adult, both          was an adult, both
18                  1                    themselves “Falling    themselves: “Falling
19                  3                    not what they do”;      not what they do;”
20                  1                        malgre                          malgré
                      2                    identity, not suffered     identity, nor suffered
25                  2                    categories                     categorize
                  in quote                 no mean                     no means
                      3                       Hitler, can                  Hitler can
                                               to think, and               to think and
29                 n8                      Heidegger”;                Heidegger;”
30               n10 top                her death the              her death, the
                    n27                     female pupil                female pupils
31               n61                       analyses                   analyzes
34                 2                        practice is due          practice are due
49                 2                        practice I                  practice, I
                                               but impossible)         but impossible,
50             2 bottom       form and specifically myth in        form, and specifically myth, in
51                                          Chapter 2 Notes         Notes
53                  1                      which came about       which come about
55                 top                     Hannah’s                    Hannah
                   2 in quote             fear  . . .  A                 fear. . . . A
59                  1                       chivalric                     Chivalric
61                  2                    change of roles seems        changes of role seem
63                 top                  the Castle                       the castle
                   mid page            knight asks                     knight, asks
                                            undisclosed hidden          hidden
66                  3                    Ate                                 Até
70                  n4                  events is                          events and
71                  n26                a corn on                         a horn on
                      n27                the first meaning               the first public meaning
72                n29 top            centre                              center
73                n64 top            centred                            centered
                      n71                                                        period placed at end
78                    1                  centre                              center
79                    2                  La Gioconda39;               La Gioconda;39
80                end of para       Head. Rosa                      Head, Rosa
                         1                 commentates                    comments
82                     2                 around Dr Tulp                 around Dr. Tulp
85                     2                  (1658)                              (1659)
92                     1                 Since most of                    Though most of
94                     1                 next-to-the-last                  penultimate
95                     1                 realligns                             realigns

100                   1                 Rapunzel inability               Rapunzel-like inability
102                  top               and a Briar hedge              and a briar hedge
106                 n66                Motif K521.1                   (Motif K521.1).
108                  top                to see, squarely                 to see squarely
                          2                  long hot talk                     long talk
109                  top                 Once could                     One could
113                   3                    that involves                    that involve
                                              genders to can                 genders to
117                    1                  to an transcendent            to a transcendent
                          2                  can related                       can relate
118                    4                  We inassimilable              We are inassimilable
120                2 in quote         there is not                       there is no
                   just after quote        us, as us                       us, as us
121                     top                that others                      that of others
124                     n6                  handshake                     rapprochement
125                    n28             impossible difference         Impossible Difference
                           n37             These passages                -delete passages-
                          n50              quotation to be                 quotation would be
126                    n55                 in note 27                      in note 29
                          n58                 is topic                          is a topic
                          n63              Harper’s Magazine          Harper’s Magazine
129                      1               industrial revolution           Industrial Revolution
                                             applies to in an                  applies in an
130               1 in quote          . . .  we cannot                . . . [W]e cannot
132                 top                  the latter’s desire             his desire (the pronoun reference is clear enough)
                        1                     virginity                          sexuality  (Marina, at least, is not a virgin)
135                  1                     in Hegelian dialectic        dialectically
136                  1                   request of her mother’s     request of his mother’s
                        2                   when Marina agrees          once Marina offers
137                  1                  by sharing the same mistress        by being mistress to both
138              1 last line           nearly need                          need
139                  1                    man-made                          such cultural
140                  1                    colonizer--                         colonizer,
                                               underclass--                      underclass,
                                               serve as                            that serve as
141                  1                     use to so                           used to be so
142                  1                     man-made                        social
                      2 in quote          friends of tyrants               friend of tyrants
                 last line on page      may have engages            engages
143               top                    the existence of God         the absence of God
                       1                     ambivalence, close.,         close.
                       2                  although which Murdoch      although Murdoch
144                top                 being critical of                   deleted that phrase
                      n2                   In an 1978                         In a 1978 (US usage)
                      n7                    theatre                            theater  (yeh, I know, sorry for all the cultural
                                                                                                   imperialism there, press’s orders)
145               n17                    (1952) and                      (1952), and
146               n63                   she did have                      she did not have
147                 1                     ‘Sartre                                “Sartre
                                              also become                       also becomes
148                 1                     will write about                   will discuss
149                 3                     Murdoch properly              Murdoch properly,
153                top                    pour-soi: and                     pour-soi and  --deleted the :
                        1                    Sartre was, that                  Sartre was that
156              bottom               evocative visualization style to        evocative style of imagery to
157                  1                    Yet for Murdoch Sartre             Yet for Murdoch, Sartre
158                  1                    person male voice narrator         person male narrator
162                  2                  that humans” moral problems        that moral problems
                                             in their relationship                       in a relationship
165                  n1                  I will refer to                             --deleted repetition—
                                              (1903-1976) they                     (1903-1976); they
                       n16                hermeneutics of suspicion     Hermeneutics of Suspicion
                      n21                 negation of happiness           Negation of Happiness
166                n41                 rather then                            rather than
178                  2                   helps to makes                     helps to make
186                  2                   , i.e., death.                         , i.e. death.
188                 n42                sado-masochism                  sadomasochism
220                  n5                 she is some                          she is in some
                        n10                that there some                    that there is some
                        n23                one”s                                   one’s
222                  1                    Fisher                                  Fischer
                                               “goo’”                                 “good”
223                  1                    Fisher                                  Fischer
                                              Patti                                     Pattie
224                  top            with which I agree with              with which I agree
                                         works, i. e., that she                   works, i. e. that she
                          3                 Patti                                      Pattie
225                    1                Testament, connect                Testament and connect
                                             centre                                   center
226               mid page         argument against                     argument for
                     bot page          Murdoch here?                      Murdoch here.
227               mid page          ‘tranquility”                           “tranquility”
                                        he inspires, is whether                 he inspires, whether
228                  1                    Fisher                                   Fischer
229                  1                    of the inner                           of the interior
                        2                   The encounters others           Encounters with others
                                             an “other” which forces         an “other” forces
231             mid page             Patti’s                                   Pattie’s
                     near bot             text can we                          text, can we
232              mid page            to continental writing             to Continental writing
                                              human condition”                   human condition,”
235                n13                  statement disagree                 statement I disagree
                      n16                   2001. ‘I have                       2001. “I have
                                                assessment.’                       assessment.”
                      n19                   Mille                                   Miller
                      n24                   Gerde                                 Gerede  2x
236                n45                   ideas and                             ideas in
239                 2                      an symmetry                        a symmetry
240                top                    room to reader                    room to the reader
                   1 mid page           towards                               to
241                 1                    The Idea of Perfection,    “The Idea of Perfection,”
                                              platonic                             Platonic
                       2                    The argument of her           Her argument for her
                                             allows this; the task            allows this: the task
243                 1                    philosophy for the and        philosophy and
                                              by a reference                    by reference
                                             take possession of.             possess.
                                            thought, between demonstrating             thought, demonstrating
244                 2                    a love of good                      a love of the good
245                 1                correspondences that can be perceived, although
                                                                                                                      correspondences, although
247                 1                 whom her family approves of        of whom her family approves
248                 top               ethics of virtue                             virtue ethics
                                           that is to say “women                   that is “women

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